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33 Songs To Drunk Text To Your Ex

From f*ck you to boo hoo, here's a list of songs to text your ex.

33 Songs To Drunk Text To Your Ex
Macey Joe Mullins

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Drunk texting your ex probably isn't the greatest idea anyway, but if you need some songs to cry to or drink to; this playlist is for you.

1. Austin - Blake Shelton

This is the utmost heartbreaking (or heart healing) song out there. If a guy left "P.S., if this is _____ ... I still love you" on his voicemail to hear when people called, I'd probably marry him on the spot.

2. Whiskey Lullaby - Brad Paisley ft. Alison Krauss 

If this song doesn't make you cry, you aren't human.

3. Mercy - Brett Young 

When Brett Young says "Why you gotta show up lookin' so good just to hurt me," I can relate... because that's what girls do, right?

4. Springsteen - Eric Church 

"To this day when I hear that song, I see ya standin' there all night long. Discount shades, store bought tan. Flip flops and cut off jeans." We ALL had a summer with an ex that resembles this in some way.

5. Used To Love You Sober - Kane Brown

The title says it all.

6. Keith Urban - Cop Car 

This song is about two kids that get into some trouble with the cops, but all the boy could do was adore his lady. Hell of a love story, if you ask me.

7. The Cave - Mumford & Sons 

This entire album is "sit in the shower and cry sad." So if you want to ruin your night, go right ahead...

8. Break Up In A Small Town - Sam Hunt

If you've ever lived in a small town, this song is more relatable than "drive your tractor to school day."

10. Better Now - Post Malone 

Dear ex,

If you think you're better now, you're out of your mind.

11. Whiskey Glasses - Morgan Wallen 

If you don't wanna feel a thing no more... pour me another round, line em' up and knock em' down, and listen to this song.

12. Drunk Me - Mitchell Tenpenny 

As fitting as it would be to drunk text this to your ex... don't.

13. Only Prettier - Miranda Lambert 

10/10 recommend drinking to this song... and screaming it at the top of your lungs.

13. One That Got Away - Michael Ray

There's a ton of good girls out there, and a lot of us will be recognized as the one that got away.

14. She Got The Best Of Me - Luke Combs 

We all want to be seen as the girl that got the best of you, because if we left there was a good reason behind it.

15. One Number Away - Luke Combs 

Anything by Luke Combs is a good break up song.

16. Love Don't Live Here - Lady Antebellum 

"I'm movin' on, and you don't haunt my dreams like you did before." Some of us may need to hear that.

17. I Hope You Dance - Lee Ann Womack

This song is a good way to say goodbye, so send it their way.

18. You and Tequila - Kenny Chesney 

"One more night could kill me baby, one is one too many... one more is never enough."

19. What Ifs - Kane Brown

We all have an ex that we think "what if" with.

20. Somebody Else Will - Justin Moore

Treat her right, or someone else will. -Justin Moore

21. Break Up With Him - Old Dominion 

If you are in an unhappy relationship... take their advice, and break up with him.

22. Why Ya Wanna - Jana Kramer 

This song tells a story about a girl trying to get over a guy, and why she can't do it. Some of us probably wish our ex would be just a little mean (if he hasn't already), so we could get over him.

23. I Loved Her First - Heartland 

This one will rattle the cage that's been built around your heart.

24. U Only Call Me When It's Raining Out - gnash

Stay away from the person (or ex) that only calls you when they're down in the dumps. You don't need that manipulation in your life, and this song is the perfect thing to jam out to when you need to avoid that situation.

25. Different For Girls - Dierks Bentley 

It's simply different for girls... and Dierks Bentley nails it in this song.

26. Sorry Not Sorry - Demi Lovato 

On your way to the bar? Out with friends? Driving home from work? Perfect. Turn this song up and remind yourself that you are the best they've ever had.

27. I Might Need Security - Chance The Rapper 

Just listen to the song and you'll understand.

28. Like I Loved You - Brett Young 

They'll never understand how much you loved them, and they won't know what they have until it's gone. So send them this song and hit the block button.

29. Gives You Hell - The All-American Rejects 

"When you see my face, hope it gives you hell."

30. You Gave Love A Bad Name - Bon Jovi

We all have that ex (or 5) that gave love a bad name.

31. I Hate Everything About You - Three Days Grace

Even if you don't hate everything about them, this is a good song to rock out to.

32. A Little Bit Stronger - Sara Evans 

Everyday while you're going through a heart break, all you are trying to do is get a little bit stronger.

33. Redneck Crazy - Tyler Farr

Don't let em' drive you redneck crazy.

We all have an ex, and we all hear songs and think of them. So if you're "just having one of those days" I 10/10 do recommend this playlist. It can even be intertwined with a road trip playlist. :')

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