Four Christmases | The Odyssey Online
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10 Christmas-Themed Rom-Coms To Watch On Your Next Wintery Night In

For when the cheesy "Hallmark" movies just don't cut it.

10 Christmas-Themed Rom-Coms To Watch On Your Next Wintery Night In
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

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Now that Thanksgiving is over, Christmas is officially in full swing! The temperature is getting cooler, more holiday commercials are starting to be shown, and all the decorations are going up. And best of all, all the holiday movies are constantly running on TV.

I have to say, Hallmark is really pushing their cringe-worthy holiday movies. Other channels are airing reruns of Christmas classics like "A Christmas Story," "Elf," and the entire "Santa Clause" franchise (side note: did anyone else have a crush on Bernard the Elf? No? Just me? Okay). But watching these movies on repeat can get tiring. Sometimes you want to cozy up in a blanket, eat some snacks, and enjoy a good rom-com either by yourself or with your BFF. So here are five Christmas-themed rom-coms for your next night in (best scenes included).

Four Christmases

Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaughn star side-by-side in this hilarious rom-com as a couple whose plans for a Christmas vacation fall through. Because of this, the couple must travel to four different family gatherings. Brad (Vince Vaughn) and Kate (Reese Witherspoon) both countdown the hours until they can leave, but bump into some relationship trouble along the way.

Best scene: When Brad and Kate star in a church's recreation of Jesus' birth.

Love Actually

Ah, who doesn't love this movie?! I mean, this is honestly Hugh Grant's prime. This classic Christmas love story follows the lives of different people in London who are all trying to find themselves love during the holiday season. Each storyline is quite dynamic, yet the same and will keep you laughing (and sobbing, tbh) all the way until the end.

Best scene: The Prime Minister, aka Hugh Grant, dancing around his mansion in boxers.

When Harry Met Sally

Not many would consider this a Christmas movie, but hey, it takes place around Christmas time, so it's on here. In this Hollywood classic, Harry (Billy Crystal) and Sally (Meg Ryan) are two friends who have known each other for quite some time. When the two friends develop feelings for each other, they do anything they can to prevent anything from happening.

Best scene: The classic diner scene where everyone wants to have whatever Meg Ryan is having.

You've Got Mail

Again, not really another Christmas movie, but it takes place during the holiday season. Also, fun fact: this movie was directed by the same woman who wrote "When Harry Met Sally," Nora Ephron! This quirky rom-com tells the tale of love between two business people who fall in love via email. Little do they know, they are actually business rivals in real life. Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks make a great pair in this sweet yet spunky tale of love in the internet age.

Best scene: When they meet in person for the first time. You kind of want to yell out that they know each other, because you just want them to realize they love each other!

The Holiday

This one is my absolute favorite of all the movies on the list. Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jack Black, and Jude Law star in this adorable movie about finding love in unusual places. Amanda (Cameron Diaz) and Iris (Kate Winslet) both are having boy troubles and want to escape. The two women decide to trade lives and along the way they encounter the one thing they were trying to escape: love.

Best scene: When Amanda and Graham (Jude Law) meet for the first time. Their meet-cute (when a couple meets for the first time) is something out of a dream.


Okay, don't hate, but this ABC Family (now Freeform) movie is one of the cutest Christmas rom-coms ever. The main character, Angela (Christina Milian) travels into her cherished snowglobe, where she meets the man of her dreams.

Holiday in Handcuffs

Trudie (Melissa Joan Hart) loses her job and her fiancee suddenly breaks up with her right before Christmas Eve. So Trudie, as anyone would logically do (totally kidding), kidnaps a guy to bring with her to her family's party. Not weird at all, right? I promise it's cute!

The Mistle-tones

For those who love a good musical Christmas movie, this one is for you. When Holly (Tia Mowry) sets out to sing in the Christmas talent show, she finds the true meaning of Christmas along the way. This movie is so cute and perfect for when you just want a classic Christmas movie.

Just Friends

How can you go wrong with Ryan Reynolds? In this movie, Reynolds plays a music producer who comes home for Christmas with his pop star girlfriend (Anna Faris). While home, he reconnects with his childhood best friend Jamie, played by Amy Smart.

New Year's Eve

If you like "Love Actually," you might like this one, too. Instead of telling the love story of those in London, this movie tells the love stories of five couples in New York City.

Now, schedule that move night with some friends, or have a peaceful night in!

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