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'Avengers: Endgame' Has Marvel Fans In All The Feels

This film was an emotional roller coaster that no one was fully prepared for.

'Avengers: Endgame' Has Marvel Fans In All The Feels
Marvel Studios

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As the third most expensive film to be made, it should be no surprise that the film, Avengers: Endgame, is doing so well and broke two-billion dollars in the box office the first weekend. A film this anticipated and highly regarded with such a full cast of lovable stars and characters, we knew it was going to be a masterpiece. But we knew we couldn't get away without a few heartbreaks.

For those of you who have not yet seen the film, I highly recommend coming back to this article after you've seen it. Unless you're okay with spoilers, I would see the movie first. Even if you're unsure about seeing it while it's still in theaters, I highly recommend it. Just for the experience. Although, it is three hours, so prep yourself in order to make it through the whole thing without bathroom breaks -- you don't want to miss a thing! Oh...and maybe bring some tissues.

If you are unaware of the plot, basically throughout the entire film, the Avengers are trying to reverse the damage Thanos has done and bring back everyone he made disappear with the snap of his fingers at the end of the last film.

This film was filled with so many highs and so many lows -- and many moments of comic relief which was highly appreciated! Because there was a multitude of moments that had everyone in all the feels, it always makes us feel better to realize that others were struggling during that roller coaster too! So here are some highlights from the film that made all the feels even more intense!

**Below contains spoilers**

Hawkeye looking for his family.


The first time we hear "I love you 3000."


Realizing Bruce and the Hulk have become one.

The "America's Ass" Comments.

Seeing Thor for the first time in the film.

Nat sacrificing herself for the soul stone.

Thor going back to "past" Asgard.

When everything seemed fine...and then everything blew up.

The grand entrance of everyone coming back for the final fight.

When the "past" Gamora hits Quill.

When Spiderman starts to cry...

Iron Man's light goes out.

Noticing "proof that Tony Stark has a heart" on the flowers.


Seeing everyone during the funeral scene.

When we hear "I love you 3000" for the last time.

Captain America's happy ending.

When the credits start rolling.

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