Christa Giunta on Odyssey Christa Giunta
Christa Giunta

Christa Giunta

Username: moderndaymarilyn

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Born and raised at the shore. It took me 28 years to figure out the secrets to being happy: Take risks for things you couldn't live without and have long conversations with people you matter to and that matter to you. Was groomed to be a Star Wars fan and a Trekkie since birth. Learned my first curse word from the 1980's Captain America movie and got my first Harry Potter book in 5th grade. I often think I was born in the wrong decade, I'm obsessed with WWII history. However, I'm glad I live in a time where pinup style, tattoos and matte lipstick are a trend. I'm a big supporter of animal rescues, particularly Pitbull rescue programs. I struggled with self imagine for a long time and now I am a loud voice for body positivity. Trucks, musicals, country music, sea glass hunting, pokemongo, books, comic books, Funkos, New Orleans, mexican food, Mardi Gras, Fireworks, makeup, the color mint, 1940's movies, Supernatural, writing and summer time are all things I love unconditionally. If thats not cool then I'de rather be hot.

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