Gift Ideas For Rutger University Students | The Odyssey Online
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5 Trendy Gifts You Can Get Your Friends While You're Still At Rutgers

Everyone loves receiving thoughtful gifts from their friends, and the Rutgers Makerspace is the perfect place to make personalized gifts.

Woman holding a Christmas gift

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Thanksgiving is over and there are only a few weeks left in the semester which means the holidays are quickly approaching! Black Friday and Cyber Monday offered opportunities for plenty of great Secret Santa gifts, but if you're in a last-minute crunch to find gifts for your friends, don't settle for a basic Starbucks gift card and call it a day. There are plenty of steals and thoughtful gift options to be found right on campus.

1. A Champion sweatshirt (for $15 and under)

C H Martin - 368 George Street

A few weeks ago I dropped way more money than I should've on a single Champion sweatshirt from Urban Outfitters. It wasn't until the other day when I was scouring George Street on my walk home from class that I discovered almost the same sweatshirt for just $15. If you're like me and guilty of wanting to immediately buy anything you see in Urban, it's hard to learn that this habit won't fly on a college student budget. I recommend taking the EE bus to Paterson Street and checking out C H Martin on George Street. I used to pass every day on my walk home from class without giving a second thought, but you can find a few quality pieces for a great value like their extensive selection of discounted Champion sweatshirts.

2. Something vintage

By The By Vintage - 9 Elm Row

Another spot right by the Paterson street stop, By The By Vintage is a second-hand boutique right off of George Street. Rutgers has so much going on and plenty to do, but it is not very easy to shop, with the nearest mall being a drive or bus ride away. By the By features trendy and vintage styles from the 60s to the 90s. It is reminiscent of a trendy New York consignment shop, but without the large price tag. Shopping here is a whole experience for you and your friends in itself, but you can also stop in to pick up Secret Santa steals.

3. Their favorite record

Spina Records - 118 Easton Ave

A trendy spot right in between Prosper and Mine Street on Easton Ave, Spina records offers a collection of vintage vinyls, antiques, and vintage decor. Pick up your friend's favorite record, and also shop their collection of vintage books, posters, and other gift-worthy items.

4. A Moleskine journal

Barnes and Noble - 100 Somerset Street

Barnes and Noble at the end of College Ave is a great place to get a Rutgers student a present anyway, but a Moleskine is a chic option that is perfect for writing notes, to-do lists, diary writing, or using as a sketchbook. While I myself haven't yet hopped on the Moleskine trend, I know many friends who swear by these little notebooks. They are durable, aesthetic, and make great gifts for your creative and artsy friends.

5. A handmade gift

Rutgers Makerspace - 35 Berrue Circle

Everyone loves receiving thoughtful gifts from their friends, and the Rutgers Makerspace is the perfect place to make personalized gifts. Located in the back of Livingston campus, about a 10-minute walk from the Livi Student Center stop, it's a great spot on campus that not many know about. here is free access to machines, workers on hand to assist, and you can print any image on clothing, make embroidered patches, 3D print, and laser engraved on wood or glass. If you have the time, it's a great place to stop by and be creative in time for the holiday season.

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