My Best Tips On How To Be Successful in College
Coming into college can be intimidating. Maybe college is not so much intimidating as it is a challenge. However viewed, new place can take getting used to.
New Environment, New World!
Everyone's in the same boat as you. New school, new classes, new faces. Just go up and begin talking to the first person you see! It is scary, no matter who you are, but you do grow from meeting new people! Baby steps are steps, no matter what anyone says!
Go To Class!
This seems to fluctuate in many speeches that you probably hear when attending preview days or orientation. While college is filled with other things to do, you were sent to learn, and you learn in the classroom by the professor. Go to class.. you may miss something important.. or bonus points!
Ask Questions!
This is the part where pride falls and you admit you need help. Ask questions! If you can't find what you're looking for in Walmart, ask the workers. If you're unsure about something in a class, ask during or after! In meeting new people, you ask questions to learn about them! Many times people are scared to ask questions, whether it be fear of failure or of people. Finding information is just part of life, so don't be afraid to ask when you need to!
Get Involved!
Most upperclassman on campus will encourage you to get involved immediately with any organizations you feel lead to explore. Some may choose to enter Greek Life, religious communities, leadership roles, and many other opportunities! There's so much to do on campus! You can have as much or as little downtime as you wish. For some people, it may take a little longer getting involved, and that is alright! You call all the shots here. It's a whole new ballgame in college!
Speaking of ballgames, sports are so much fun! There's football, tennis, softball, basketball, baseball, and others as well as club teams and intramurals. Even if you don't enjoy sports, they are some of the best environments on campus AND you get rewards for attending! Sometimes they hand out free shirts, and sometimes they have free FOOD! (Who doesn't love free food?)
It's Okay To Not Know
So you're undeclared. I bet you hear "you need to choose a major" more than you would please to. Good news!!! - You don't have to know what you want to do right when you graduate high school. Every person is different. You have to figure out what works best for you!
Hopefully arriving at a new place will be an exciting experience - so much to do and see! After learning ins and outs, the place that seemed so big may not seem too big anymore. Nevertheless, the world is in front of you, so go out and get it!