They Say There Are Many Fish In The Sea, But I Think All The Single Fish Are Dead
Although it seems like there are not enough fish in the sea, they are out there and we are going to find them together.
Everyone tells me that there are plenty of fish in the sea, but lately, it seems that's not true. It seems like all the single fish my age are dead or drowning.
It is getting harder and harder to find a single fish. It is hard to find one that fits into the standards that you have and that will like you for who you are. So many times guys are quick to dismiss you if they think that you are "too unique". I know that my personality is a lot to take in but I shouldn't have to change who I am to get a guy too like me.
I know that my standards can seem a bit high, but I know the kind of guy that I am looking for.
There are many different kinds of fish out there, we just have to make sure that we find the right one. There are going to be some fish that are going to make your skin visibility crawl and then there are going to be other fish that are not going to get enough of. The good guys are going to be the guys you can't get enough of.
If you feel that you can't seem to find a decent fish, I know how you feel. Some of the fish in the sea come off as real jerks. They think that they are the prize and I want them to know that's not really the case. They want girls to know that they can easily find another girl, and that's cool to go and find her. There are not many girls that will put up with some of the things that these guys do.
As single women looking for "Mr. Right", we cannot overlook the nice guy. The guy that makes you feel like you are the only woman in the world. He is the fish that we often dismiss or overlook because he is just too nice. He is the fish that has so much to offer to us. He doesn't make you feel like you can be replaced at a moment's notice. He fits into most girls standards, but he lacks the excitement and adventure as the jerks.
Another fish that gets a bad rep is the confident fish. We are so quick to label the confident fish as the jerks when that is not the case. The confident fish is the guy that is assured in himself and the woman that he is dating. He is the guy that turns heads and draws a reaction from both men and women. The women think he is the hottest guy ever and they know doesn't like him.
To all the single women out there looking for a fish, I want you to know that you are not alone. Although it seems like there are not enough fish in the sea, they are out there and we are going to find them together. Happy fishing!