15 Positive Things Every College Girl Should Tell Herself Before 9 A.M. Every Day In 2019
"If you get up now, you still have time for a Starbucks run."
09 January 2019
Wake up thriving and let the positive vibes roll by telling yourself these things every morning this year:
1. Today is a new day
2. You can make a Starbucks run if you get your shit together quick
3. Your hair is FLAWLESS
4. Girl, You're a BABE
6. You've got this
7. You go girl
8. Boys ain't nothing compared to you
9. If you wake up now, you can nap later
10. Remember that bomb ass lunch you made for today
11. TGIF
12. It's so nice out today
13. You get to FINALLY wear that cute sweater
14. Happy HUMP DAY
15. You are going to CRUSH this week, don't let anyone tell you otherwise
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