Learning To Let Go
You are responsible for knowing when to let someone go.
It has been said that everything happens for a reason. For every occurrence, every challenge and every triumph we face within our lives, we are told that these encounters provide us with lessons to be learned from in order for us to grow stronger. To no surprise, the same thought is applicable to people. I am a firm believer that each person you connect with on a physical, emotional or spiritual level has a purpose to offer you, though what we tend to forget is that, sometimes, the people we care for most may outgrow us.
When those we appreciate most simply choose to walk away from us and pursue a different path in life, we are often left with feelings of devastation, as well as the overwhelming urge to fill the void of the one that was once present in every aspect of our lives. We remorsefully visit the stages of loss and grief, though the road to healing encompasses a rather lengthy emotional journey. Yet, we ourselves cannot fully heal until we acknowledge the moments in which we must learn to let go.
There is no feeling more gut-wrenching than accepting the fact that a person you valued will no longer be in your life. In many cases, we do all that we can to preserve a strained relationship - even if it is toxic - in order to avoid facing the feeling of emptiness head on.
Regardless of the circumstances that lead people to go their separate ways, we on the receiving end of this loss must come to understand the fact that you cannot change people - no matter how hard you try. At the end of the day, each individual is entitled to pave their own way for themselves. Though there is no better feeling than being included in another person's plans, we must acknowledge the fact that we will not always be a permanent factor in someone's life. In a similar sense, we are also brought into contact with others in the form of a lesson to be learned. Additionally, it is also the responsibility of others to realize they must let go of us so that we may achieve the fullest potential of happiness.
If you are truly invested in the best interest of those you care for most, it is your responsibility to know when it is time to let them go.