8 Reasons Driving A Jeep Wrangler Is The Best
No other car compares.
Speaking as a Wrangler owner myself, Jeep Wranglers are the best car you could have. My baby Wrangy has been with me ever since I turned 16. Many people think that Wrangy is not a practical car, and the Jeep is just for show, but Wranglers are the best cars on the market.
You can take off the top and doors
On a beautiful sunny, summer day, you have the ability to turn your Jeep into the ultimate convertible!
Off-roading ability
Wranglers are built to be able to take on the difficulty of off-roading and can sustain control on many different types of terrain.
Durable in weather
Especially important here in Michigan, Wranglers are 4-wheel drive and are high off of the ground, giving it great power over snow and ice conditions.
Unique design and history
The Wrangler design is an iconic look dating back to World War 2, where the Wrangler was used in combat. Because of this, the Wrangler has become a symbol of American pride. There is no other car that even comes close to the looks and story of a Jeep Wrangler.
Towing capability
Wranglers are also incredible because they have towing capabilities similar to that of pick up trucks. A Wrangler has the ability to tow boats and other small vehicles from place to place.
Excellent resale value
Jeeps can get up on the more expensive side, but they hold their value extremely well, and it is easy to sell your Wrangler for a great amount even after time has passed.
There are many companies that sell modifications to Wranglers to customize them and make them more personalized. You can add extra lights, bars, lift the tires, and more!
Jeep Wave
This is my favorite part about being a Wrangler owner. The Jeep Wave is something that Wrangler drives do when they pass one another. You keep your hand on the top of the wheel and life your top two fingers, almost like a peace sign. It's fun because it creates a sense of community and lets you acknowledge your mutual coolness.
They. Are. Just. So. Much. Fun.