An Open Letter To All The Education Majors: Keep Hanging On
This WILL be you, I promise.
To all education majors: this is for you. Your encouragement is here, from a fellow Ed. major.
Job requirement: NOT just drawing and singing songs all day. NOT just sitting around while the children nap for two straight hours. NOT just "having it easy."
The people who tend to snap back at you about teaching, usually are not teachers. That's what I think is hilarious. I laugh at those people who have a different career from me as if they know what we go through on a daily basis.
Do not listen to them as they would not survive ONE DAY.
Going into the field of education takes a lot of kindness, patience, bravery, and courage. You must have a kind heart to work with children. You must be patient as they are human like us and only very young. You must be brave as you see the impossible and think the unthinkable. You must be courageous because there are bad days sometimes.
When you feel like you want to give up, think of the reasons why you shouldn't. It takes a special and kind group of people to be teachers. Think of why you wanted to do this in the first place.
I've loved this my whole life. I've had this burning passion of becoming a teacher since I was little. I used to play "school" and pretended to teach my "students". I never gave up on this field.
Believe me when I say that there were times when I most definitely wanted to cry, and quit, and leave, and just drop it all. This semester is my last one, and it has been the most stressful and time-consuming.
I am writing up an assessment plan that doesn't even count, and I feel like my hair is about to fall out.
Keep hanging on. I know it is a lot of work and I know the backlash is horrible. Stay strong.
You WILL hand in those assignments and lesson plans on time. You WILL teach it all. You WILL pass. You WILL graduate. You WILL get that job, and your dreams WILL come true. This will all be worth it in the end. I say that constantly, and so far, I have not been wrong.
Trust me when I say that this WILL be you, I promise.
I wish you the best in your love for children and education, and please know that you make this world a better place by committing to teaching. Again, it's not for everyone.
Good luck and keep on truckin'.
From, your fellow Ed. major in the same boat.