6 Heartfelt Thank Yous I Want To Tell All My Former Dance Teachers
Thank you for everything.
I want to start off by saying thank you. I don't think I ever thanked you enough for everything you did for me inside and outside of the studio. The impacts you had on me in just a few years is tremendous and I will never forget the memories we made or the lessons you taught me.
1. Thank you for always giving me a reason to smile.
I usually would go to dance in a generally happy mood, but just like every other person in the world, I had my bad days. On the days where I wanted nothing more than to lay in bed and cry, I went to dance and immediately felt better. You cared about me, talked to me when I was down, and always knew how to make me laugh. Whether it was a funny story or memory or just talking about something silly, I always left in a better mood than I came in. That helped me push through the bad days tremendously.
2. Thank you for teaching me life lessons I'll always remember.
Most people think that all we do in a dance studio is dance, but that could not be further from the truth. While what we primarily did was dance, we also talked about life and the ups and downs associated with it. There were many things I did not know and would not know if I had not gone to dance and just talked with you. I learned a lot more than just the ballet positions and how to do turning discs and pirouettes; I learned about the real world and how to navigate it.
3. Thank you for believing in me when I did not believe in myself.
I have never been the most confident person; a lot of those insecurities coming from my years in middle school. When I danced, I usually never cared what others thought, but I always sought the approval of my teachers and myself. Being a perfectionist, I worked hours upon hours inside and outside of the studio trying to perfect everything I learned. A lot of times that lead to frustration, which lead to me not being confident in myself. I would second guess everything I did and get discouraged. You lifted me up and believed in me when I never believed in myself, and instilled determination in me to keep going. You have no idea how much I needed that.
4. Thank you for loving me unconditionally.
I will admit, I did make mistakes and dumb choices during my middle and high school years, but you never stopped loving and accepting me even when I did not love myself. I knew I could go to dance and feel loved and like I was home each and every day, even when I screwed up.
5. Thank you for teaching me how to dance.
This one is self-explanatory, but I would not be where I am today without you teaching me how to dance. When I began, I truly was horrible. I don't even know how someone could be so bad, but you worked with me day in and day out to make me the dancer I am today. You gave me my passion and helped me find and foster my escape from reality. And without you, I would not be on Blue Heat, living a dream I had for so many years.
6.Thank you for supporting me, even to this day.
It has been 1 year since I last stepped foot into the studio, 1 year. That is the longest I have gone not in a studio since I was 9 years old. That means I have not seen any of you since then, another thing that has not happened in 2 years. It makes me smile when I get a text or message from you letting me know you still care and remember me. It has helped me feel better in my home away from home.
So to every dance teacher I have ever had, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I would not be doing anything I am doing now without your guidance and love, and I appreciate it more than you know.