It's Nice To Learn About Other Cultures, But It's Also Important
America is the world's melting pot, it is time that we started to act like a melting pot and accept others.
America, since the day of its founding, has been known as the melting pot of the world because of the variety of cultures that people all over the world brought to this country. It's been over 242 years since the founding of our country, and we are more divided than ever before.
America is formed of many cultures from Italy and Germany to China and Singapore; each country plays a part of who we are today. Unfortunately, with the political climate we have, we have seen nothing but bigotry to everyone no matter what their culture is because of the hate that politicians everywhere have manufactured.
We are Americans, no matter where we come from around the world. I love that everyone comes from different cultures and when I meet someone different I get eager because I want to continue learning, I want to know traditions and lifestyles because I want to see how I can be a better person. Who I am today comes from learning from people with different lifestyles, cultures, and way of thinking.
Honesty, it is 2019, we should be open to learning about other cultures because we see everything on social media. We see people from different cultures online, often in the form of dance videos. We look at this in amazement but taking the time to learn is just as important as double tapping the like button on Instagram. We need to educate ourselves on what makes each person great and how our country is great with all the cultures melting into a huge melting pot.
It is our jobs not only as Americans but as citizens of the world to learn about each other. Everyone is unique, and for America to recover from the hate, we need to get out of our comfort zones and speak to someone different, even with one conversation, we can change the world.