10 Legitimate Reasons Tacos Are 110% Better Than Burritos
Burritos fall apart! Burritos fall apart! Burritos fall apart!
28 March 2019
Emily Henrichs
It's time to settle this once and for all. The great debate of tacos vs. burritos has gone on for long enough. So, sit down and educate yourself on why tacos are the best.
You can actually fit it in your mouth to get all the flavors
Bruh, if you can fit a huge burrito in your mouth — weird flex but okay — then congratulations! The rest of us, however, can't do that.
You don't have to sorry about your tortilla ripping (as much) with a taco
Have you ever been munching on a burrito only to watch it crumble right in front of you? I have. That doesn't happen with tacos.
Tacos are portable
Street tacos, enough said!
Street burritos? Nah, dude.
I couldn't find a picture of a street burrito because it doesn't exist.
Tacos reign supreme. That's all there is to it. *mic drop*
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