10 Reasons Why The Arts Are Important In Our Lives
The arts have helped me a lot, they will help millions of other people, too.
I have always heard sayings like "Why study art? Why not Engineering, Science or Commerce?", "Art won't get you anywhere," "Art is useless," "You won't get a proper job" etc. I have also heard of situations of the school board planning to cut arts in schools, thinking that students won't do well in their education. Well, you know what, you all are wrong! Arts make a huge impact on our lives! Here are the reasons why art is Important.
1. Arts improves your creativity skills
Whether it is cooking, painting or music, we do art as if its our own.
2. Arts gives you joy
I smile whenever I sing my favorite song. Any kind of art can give you so much happiness.
3. Arts relieves stress
Don't you go to another world when you just sing or listen to a favourite tune?
4. Arts gives you the opportunity to showcase your talent
Even words don't give that much opportunity like art does. By showing our talent, we show that there is something special about us.
5. Arts gives you confidence.
When I sing or perform, I feel so good about myself. I feel there are no worries, hence I perform confidently.
6. Arts helps you do well academically
Trust me, just a few hours of art will help you relieve stress and give you happiness. With that, your mind will be clear, and that would help you focus on your studies, and that would help you get good grades. If you don't do art for a few hours, your mind will be stressed and you won't be able to focus and do well.
7. Arts helps you to communicate with other people
I connect with people through music. I have met most of my friends because of music.
8. Arts helps you learn visually
Thanks to art, I have become a visual learner. Learning Visually helped me a lot in studies.
9. Arts helps you to express your emotions
I use singing to showcase my emotions, whether I am happy, sad or angry. And above all...
10. Art is a different language
Art says things that even words cannot say. You don't need a language to understand Art. Just a small painting, or a food item, or improvising a tune or a step, can express a lot of things without words.
Arts have helped me a lot! As you may be aware, I have special needs! Due to that, I could neither communicate well nor do well academically. If there was something I could do well, it was music. Music has changed my life. Now I want to use music as a way of connecting with people. If it helped me, it could help a lot of other people who went through difficulties.
Arts is not a waste of time. It is not useless. Arts are very essential to our lives. Yes, I may not get a wonderful job, but as long as it gives me happiness, gives the best out of me, and at least gets some payment, what's the problem?
So my request is to please take the arts seriously. Don't treat the arts as a useless thing. Don't think that it destroys education because it doesn't!
To the education board, please don't ever think of cutting the arts. If you care about your student's education, then please consider the arts in your school. The arts bring out the best in everyone. Hope you understand.
And for all the parents, relatives, neighbours etc. Try to consider your son/daughter/acquaintance's choice. If that's what makes them happy please support them. Don't be so money-minded, and don't worry about what society says. Hope you guys understand too, how essential art is.
With art, we could bring in a lot of change! It could help millions of people! Hope one day, the arts will be considered seriously by most people!