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10 Songs That Are 10 Times More Offensive Than 'Baby, It's Cold Outside'

The song was written 74 years ago, so take a "chill" pill.

10 Songs That Are 10 Times More Offensive Than 'Baby, It's Cold Outside'

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It seems like I can't go on social media nowadays without seeing at least one article referencing Frank Loesser's famous holiday song "Baby, It's Cold Outside" and its lyrics. Lately, there has been a swell of radio stations banning the song from their airways, stating that the song normalizes rape culture and has overall sexist undertones. However, I think that people seriously need to call down. This song was written in 1944, during a time when the phrase "say what's in this drink?" was a common response when a drink was stronger than one was expecting. Heck, we still say that phrase in this day and age. Meanwhile, I think that people's anger over this classic holiday tune is somewhat hilarious considering that far worse songs are played on the radio on the daily. Due to that, I thought it only fair to point out such hypocrisy by listing 10 songs that are far more inappropriate and offensive, and that, last time I checked, most people had no issues belting out in their car.

1. "Blurred Lines" by Robin Thicke

This 2013 Robin Thicke tune is, without a doubt, a song about date rape. In the lyrics, Thicke states that he hates those "blurred lines," the blurred lines being the lines between consent and sexual assault. Thicke repeats the line "I know you want it" over and over again as a way of coercing this woman into having sex with him. And, in case it was unclear that this song was about the grey areas of rape culture, one of the last lines in the song is "the way you grab me, must wanna get nasty," emphasizing that Thicke is surprised when she is resisting his advances, considering he believes that she is grabbing him in a sexual way. Sorry to break it to you, Robin, but she could have a hand on your crotch and then decide to say no and you still would need to respect her wishes. Just because someone changed their mind doesn't mean you're entitled to anything.

2. "...Baby One More Time" by Britney Spears

Don't get me wrong, I like Britney Spears. I think she could teach a class on how to create catchy tunes because her songs have proven themselves as unforgettable despite the passing years. This song, in particular, is one of her most famous hits (pun intended) and almost every generation knows it quite well. However, I cannot help but notice the somewhat iffy, underlying messages of this tune. Basically, this song is about a girl who misses her ex terribly and would do anything to have him "hit me baby, one more time." This phrase would cause anyone's ears to perk up because it seems as though Spears is encouraging domestic assault. Apparently, that is not the case. The songwriters made a statement in 2017 stating that by "hit" she really meant "call," but, why not just say call? Also, last time I checked, "hit" and "call" aren't exactly synonyms.

3. "Blame It [On The Alcohol]" by Jamie Foxx

In this song, Jamie Foxx is clearly trying to coerce some girl at a bar to go home and have sex with him. However, he uses alcohol as his scapegoat for being a sexual predator by saying that she should blame her freed inhibitions on the alcohol she has been drinking, not on his persistence to get into her pants. So, he is not only using alcohol as an excuse for his actions, but he is blaming her for getting too drunk. If someone is too drunk to make a conscious decision to go home with you, THEN YOU SHOULDN'T BE TRYING TO TAKE THEM HOME. Do I make myself clear, Jamie?

4. "I'm Still A Guy" by Brad Paisley

Let's venture on over into the country music genre because this 2007 Brad Paisley track deserves to make this list. In the song, Brad talks about how women think that they can "change" men from less aggressive to more sensitive, but Brad thinks that that is not a possibility because, at the end of the day, he's still a guy. One line that sticks out to me as being pretty unacceptable is "When you say a back rub means only a back rub, then you swat my hand when I try...Well, what can I say at the end of the day...Honey, I'm still a guy." In this instance, Brad is basically implying that women shouldn't be surprised when guys want women to have sex with them after they do something kind for their lady. Well, newsflash Brad, just because you did her favor doesn't mean she has to have sex with you.

5. "What Do You Mean?" by Justin Bieber

Ahh, what I wouldn't give to have the innocent 13-year-old Justin Bieber back, because that Justin didn't sing songs about rape. The chorus of Justin's hit "What Do You Mean?" starts with the line, "What do you mean? When you nod your head yes, but you want to say no, what do you mean?" Not only is Justin asking here whether no truly means no, but he is also confused by the fact that he knows that this girl wants to say no, but she says yes anyway. Well, Justin, if you can sense that a girl may be saying yes just because she thinks that is what you want to hear, then you probably shouldn't be having sex with her. Period. End of story.

6. "Colt 45" by Afroman

I can remember, so vividly, so many nights in high school that I rode around in the car with my friends, singing this song at the top of our lungs. I remember feeling like such a badass because the lyrics were unbelievably vulgar, but I knew every word. However, since listening to this song again, I've realized how truly disgusting it is. Not only does he describe his sexual escapades in this most explicit ways possible, but he also manages to offend multiple different minorities such as the transgender community and Japanese women in the process. The song is funny, yes, and I don't think Afroman wrote this song to be anything more than a big joke, but, still, it's not ok.

7. "I Love It" by Kanye West and Lil Pump

The opening lines of this song are, "You're such a fucking ho, I love it" and "Your boyfriend is a dork, McLovin," so not only is Lil Pump using the word ho as a term of endearment, but he is also knowingly sleeping with a woman that has a boyfriend. Classy, right? This song has been blasted constantly on college campuses across the U.S. this year which should come as no surprise since college kids aren't exactly known for being the most politically correct demographic. I, however, hate the double standard that this song emphasizes. When a woman cheats on her boyfriend, she is a ho, but when a man cheats on his girlfriend, it is doubtful that he will be called anything besides a player. I'm obviously not saying that adultery isn't something to be shamed, I'm just calling attention to the double standard that women face in these situations.

8. "Animals" by Maroon 5

I'm sad to say that my celebrity crush, Adam Levine, has made this list. In this 2014 hit, Levine compares himself to an animal by stating that he is "preying on you tonight, hunt you down, eat you alive, just like animals." Unfortunately, by equating his primal instincts to that of an animal, he is also calling himself a sexual predator, and this woman, his prey. He will stop at nothing to have sex with this woman and he even states that if she thinks that she can hide, he can smell her out and find her. Sorry, Adam, but if a woman is trying to hide from you, maybe it's best to leave her alone? Just a thought.

9. "Hey Mama" by David Guetta ft. Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rehxa, and Afrojack

The most offensive line in this song is actually sung by a woman, Nicki Minaj. In the song, Nicki emphasizes sexist ideals by stating, "Yes I do the cooking/Yes I do the cleaning/Plus I keep the na-na real sweet for your eating/Yes you be the boss and yes I be respecting/Whatever that you tell me cause it's game you be spitting." In this line, Nicki is placing herself in the "one-down" position to her man and explaining that she understands her duties as a girlfriend, duties that are, in my opinion, completely ridiculous. Men can cook, men can clean, and there shouldn't be a boss in a relationship, it should be an equal partnership. If Nicki wants to be completely submissive to her man, then more power to her, but I can't say I would choose that same role for myself.

10. "I Got Bitches" by A2M

Listen to the first 30 seconds of this song and you'll understand why it made this list. It rivals "Colt 45" in its vulgarity and is 1,000,000 times more offensive than "Baby, It's Cold Outside." I honestly don't think I need to explain myself any further, just listen to it.

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