While the idea of college can be very scary and terrifying idea to most incoming freshman, it is important to realize that college is not scary at all! In fact now is the time to enjoy the summer before you venture off into the brand new world of young adulthood in college. Here are a few tips that I am using to help overcome my general fears and worries about college.
1. College is the next big adventure of our lives
We graduated high school! Now it's time to enjoy the great parties and long breaks we have before going off to college.
2. Every college experience is different
Not every college experience is the same! Just life high school you need to learn to tailor your experiences to your own wants and needs.
3. You will be homesick eventually
Let's face it! Homesickness is bound to happen! But whether you live close to home or not still try and keep in touch with your family because they still love you!
4. Learn how to cope with change
We are all afraid and scared. Change can be scary but that is only if you choose to let it consume you!
5. Learn how to enjoy the present
It can be scary thinking about the future! But learning how to enjoy the present can be a powerful tool to use in the future.
6. It's ok not to be ok
Don't let these feelings pile up. If you have to reach out to talk to a trusted friend, adult, teacher, counselor, etc. It's OK to need a break from reality to sit down and talk about your fears and worries.
7. Enjoy the college experience
Remember to enjoy college! Study hard and earn amazing grades but also remember to be social too! Join a group or two on campus or try and join a sports club/team! Living a balanced life on campus will be key to a smooth transition into your newfound college life!