3. Yes, I'm adding my Halloween playlist into my music rotation | The Odyssey Online
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31 Thoughts That Haunt Halloween-Lovers All Year Round When It's NOT October

Because Halloween is clearly the superior holiday.

31 Thoughts That Haunt Halloween-Lovers All Year Round When It's NOT October
Morgan Essen

April is here and that means we are officially six months away from the best month of the whole year: October. It's not just the best because I was born in that month, but because it holds the best holiday of all time: Halloween. For those of us who love Halloween, the months leading up to October drag on. Here are 31 things Halloween lovers are thinking right about now.

1. Six more months until October


2. Is it too early to start decorating?


The answer is no. Especially if you never took the decorations down in the first place.

3. Yes, I'm adding my Halloween playlist into my music rotation


Spooky music = spooky vibes

4. Why does everyone hate Halloween?


Clearly its the best holiday every

5. Who wants to have a Halloween movie marathon?


6. 3 a.m. is the witching hour


7. There should be two Halloweens


One isn't enough

8. Is it socially acceptable to wear my pumpkin sweater?

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Yes the answer is yes.

9. Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice


10. Candy corn is gross but also an actual mood 


11. So I'm thinking a Halloween-themed BBQ


12. What if I named my future child Wednesday?


That makes me Morticia, right?

13. Did you see that orb? I bet this place in haunted


14. Was the Monstermash an actual graveyard smash?


Yeah it was.

15. Why are pumpkins not in season yet?


16. Who would win: Dracula or Frankenstein's monster?


The real question.

17. I need my halloween socks


18. He's JACK the pumpkin king



19. Trying to stay calm when when October is 6-months away


20. Ghosts are SO real 


I say while watching paranormal shows for the 100th time

21. Everyday is Halloween


22. On Wednesday, we wear black


23. Lets get spooky


24. Mess with me and I'll put a spell on you


25. Where's my broomstick?


26. That's a bunch of Hocus Pocus


When people say Christmas is better than Halloween.

27. Raise your hand if you ever felt victimized by people who start Christmas before Halloween


We all know that one person.

28. The Halloween movie series is classic


29. I wish I lived in Halloweentown


Halloween 365 days a year.

30.  How many days until Halloween again???


31. Halloween is cool


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