Vanessa Aguilar on Odyssey Vanessa Aguilar
Vanessa Aguilar

Vanessa Aguilar

Username: vanessaaguilar

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    My goal in life is to become someone that the younger version of me would have been proud of. Someone who can think for themselves, be independent, and have their own personal aspirations. My goal for the future is to become someone who is successful, not only economically, but also spiritually. The ideal definition for mental success is that a person is able to sit back and say "I have no regrets, and have lived life to the fullest." My interests include writing and photography, not because it gives me something to do when I'm bored, but because both arts require a sense of adventure. Adventure that not only has to be acquired through traveling, but adventure in trying new things. I would greatly enjoy working for The Odyssey because I believe that it will give me the chance to be exactly that. A creative and adventurous soul seeking new experiences while on a journey to become the person that little-me aspired to one day be.

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