Becca Brimingham on Odyssey Becca Brimingham
Becca Brimingham

Becca Brimingham

Username: rebeccabrimingham

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I'm a Northerner who grew up in the South; I've always been more at home in Chicago than in Memphis. Despite this, I'm not a city girl, and prefer to be surrounded by open fields and horses rather than skyscrapers and cars. I'd rather see a sky full of stars instead of neon lights. I've been creatively-minded since I was little, and have long loved to draw, design, act, sing, and dance. I discovered a passion for writing in middle school, and haven't stopped since. My favorite type of writing is fiction, but recently I've had a fondness for theological and philosophical concepts and ideas. Really though, I'll write about anything. I'm a huge psychology geek, and have been studying the internal and external workings of the mind for over ten years now. It fascinates me how and why people do and think what they do.

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