Monae Brayboy on Odyssey Monae Brayboy
Monae Brayboy

Monae Brayboy

Username: monaebrayboy

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I'm Monae, but some people call me Mona. I'm 17, I'm an Aquarius, and my birthday is the day before Valentine's Day, hence my obsession with romance. Even though I've been in love with reading and writing since a very young age, I also have an outdoorsy side. I love to play sports, volleyball and softball are my favorite. I also love cooking, being around animals, and engaging with different cultures. I'm from Baltimore, Maryland, but most of my family live in the southern part of the East Coast. I love to travel, even the only place out of the US that I've traveled to is Paris, France. I think after college, I want to live there. It's so beautiful. I've studied french for 5 years and it has inspired me to want to learn more about other cultures. I think one of the reasons that I grew attached to French culture was its stigma of being one of the most romantic places in the world. As far as I can think back, I realize that I love love. That's right, I love the emotions and the complexity of love. That's probably why I study Psychology because I love to understand the complexity of human interaction.

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