Mollie Madigan on Odyssey Mollie Madigan
Mollie Madigan

Mollie Madigan

Username: molliemadigan

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I'm a sophomore marine biology student with a dream to become a veterinarian and a passion for writing. In the midst of all my biology and chemistry course craziness there's always been time for writing, to travel to the worlds in my imagination and write the stories those characters have to tell, one of the huge reasons I have absolutely loved writing from when I was very young.

    I'm a skier, a singer, a scientist and a writer. I love Taylor Swift and The Hunger Games and I think I would be the happiest cuddled up with a book and a blanket snuggling with a dog and drinking hot chocolate. I have the best friends in the world and the best family a girl could ever ask for and I'm so lucky to have them in my life.

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