Jordan Alexandra on Odyssey Jordan Alexandra
Jordan Alexandra

Jordan Alexandra

Username: jordanstibal

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I believe writing is extremely powerful. It is able to make others laugh when they need a smile, or open their mind to new ideas in the world. Writing is also able to help people learn things about each other, or lets someone know how much they are valued and appreciated, or help someone get through a difficult time. Based on my life experiences, I want to write so others who have been through similar experiences as I have know that someone has been in their shoes before, and that they "get it". For whoever is reading this, I want you to know that whatever you are dealing with, whatever adversity you may be facing, you are not alone.

    I also want to write in order to challenge our ways of thinking and doing things. As I get older, I realize that there are many people who are thinking the same thing about certain topics, but are afraid to say them. If my writing helps make a difference in how we live our lives, then I know I will have done something right in this world.

    I'm just a small town girl with some big dreams, and I'll stop at nothing to make those dreams happen. Thank you for helping me make one of those dreams come true.

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