Jennifer Cammarata on Odyssey Jennifer Cammarata
Jennifer Cammarata

Jennifer Cammarata

Username: jennifercammarata

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    I am currently a rising sophomore at UNC Wilmington and am originally from Baltimore, Maryland. A year ago, I took the plunge to move to an unfamiliar, cozy town nestled on the coast of North Carolina. One single year of experiences taught me more about myself that I had previously learned in 17 years of life. I found myself having experiences, making lifelong friends, and finding a career path that will help me make an impact on society. I have recently been accepted into the social work program at UNCW and could not be more excited to start my journey. I have also been able to cultivate my passion for writing while at UNCW. Last semester I took a creative writing class that opened my eyes to how much I can express myself given only a pen and a piece of paper. My goals for the future include getting my master's degree in clinical social work and helping those who do not have a voice to stand up for themselves. Writing for The Odyssey will give me the chance to cultivate my love of writing by sharing great content. It would give me the voice that I have been searching for.

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