Caitlin Sullivan on Odyssey Caitlin Sullivan
Caitlin Sullivan

Caitlin Sullivan

Username: caitlinsullivan

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    From an early age I have felt connected to stories and characters and the feeling that someone, somewhere was feeling everything I was feeling. When I started writing on my own it was such an amazing sense of release, like finally letting out a breath a didn't know I had been holding my whole life. Knowing that something I have experienced can resonate with someone else and vice versa and be shared through a community of other writers is one of the many reasons I love to work for the Odyssey. Those shared experiences are exactly why I read and write and why I am pursuing careers in teaching and writing, because I think that writing is meant to be shared and foster connections between people from every background and walk of life. That is the amazing power of writing and why media outlets such as the Odyssey are so integral to writers and readers alike.

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