Asha Moline on Odyssey Asha Moline
Asha Moline

Asha Moline

Username: ashamoline

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Before my freshman year at St. Kate's I lived in Lake Elmo, MN, where I have for most of my life. Being fairly introverted, most of my free time was spent in my room binge watching tv shows, reading books, writing, playing guitar, and knitting.And of course, play with the family cats. My life long journey of writing began with poetry about ladybugs and butterflies that I would read to my 3rd grade classmates. As I got older I progressed on to short stories and academic essays. If you were to graph my writing progress there would be a negative correlation between the quality of my writing and the time I have to write. I look forward to when I can devote a majority of my time to writing as well as have my writing be recognized.

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