The Pros And Cons To Having A Pet In College
Should you get that dog you've always wanted??
We all have waited for the day we get to become pet parents, but is today the day? While there are many positives to having a pet, there are also many things to consider before making the big commitment.
Pro: Pets eliminate loneliness
If you decide to get a pet, you know you will never be alone. Someone will always be there to snuggle, or in my case, to sit on you and show you a sock she found on the ground.
Con: What to do with them during breaks?
When it comes time for long breaks, it will be hard to have a pet unless one of your roommates lives super close and doesn't have to fly home. It's really a pain and can be traumatizing for animals to have to travel long distances.
Pro: You'll become instantly popular
Not only will you adore your pet, but everyone else will want to come hang out with them. There are so many lonely, animal-withdrawn students at college that will not shy away from some love from a fur baby, and you get to ride coattails and hang out with them too.
Con: Housing can be difficult to find
While you find a way to love the scent and mess that your pet makes, chances are your landlord does not. You may have better luck if you register your dog/cat as a therapy animal!
Pro: They are the best stress relief
Animals provide you a sense of comic relief, as well as constant love. When you're having a bad day, your sweet baby will be there to cheer you up. Their constant happiness can be used as a reminder to let the little things go and look at the big picture.
Con: They can be expensive to care for
Food, veterinary appointments, toys, beds, plus the occasional repair, can be very costly and add up faster than expected. Make sure you can afford to spoil your pet before you take the leap.
I just don't see how having a pet couldn't put a constant smile on your face :)