As A Woman Working In A Male-Dominated Field, I Know I'll Have To Work Twice As Hard To Prove My Worth
But don't underestimate me — I AM worth it.
From someone who comes from a small town, going into law is a very male-dominated field.
Not just the lawyers, but the consultants, legal advocates — even paralegals! For some reason, where I am geographically located, most of the legal advisors are men.
Trust me, I see women lawyers and law advisors all the time, but when I walk into the courtroom for my internship, I see a whole lot of men with smug faces when they look at me.
Here's my situation: I work as hard, or even harder than most of the men I associate with who have similar goals as me, and I am pissed that they get better pay and more credit.
I have two jobs (one paid, one unpaid). I have a part-time internship that I give my all to. I do more than full-time class credits per quarter this year in order to graduate with honors distinctions, and I even started a new club on campus to raise awareness to the minority groups in my community. I volunteer in my spare time, I study and research, and I load up on projects to get my name out there, and to make connections that will further my goals and aspirations. After all of this, I get told, "You wear too much makeup to practice any sort of legal practice," "No one will take you seriously in that dress," or even, "Do you expect to outrun a man who is applying for the same position?"
I am frustrated that men get more credit and praise than women do when we are over here busting our ass, HAVING CHILDREN AND STARTING FAMILIES, and then getting back to business.
However, I will not let my frustration falter me. I will remain hopeful, and I will look to my women inspirations for moral support while I climb the ladder. I will not follow the rules, but rather extend the boundaries that exist, and create the impossible. I will continue to get my name out there and meet impactful individuals that will understand my worth, and work with me to do better for the world.
Just because I am a woman in a male-dominated field, you will not see me give up after I fall down. Rather, you will see me dust myself off, defy the odds and empower other women to do the same.
Get your coin, ladies. You deserve a seat at the table just as much as the man next to you.