The Poison Of Comparison
3 tips on how to keep yourself focused on YOUR journey.
"Don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle." - Jon Acuff
Let me explain. We, as the human race, spend a LOT of our time comparing ourselves to others whether we like it or not. We compare affluence, body size, skill sets, IQ's — but why? What do we gain from it? Since when are we living by everyone else's standards? Acuff's quote is a crucial observation because what we don't realize, most of the time is that we only know a part of their story. For example, sure, they have money, but at what cost. See what I'm saying? We can't leave that up to assumption. We can't measure our lives based on ANYONE because their journey doesn't match up with your's at all. We are all on such a unique path that has been so intentionally been made for us. Meanwhile, when we get caught in the loop of comparison, we miss out on opportunities, experiences, and key details of our lives.
That being said, here are a few tips to keep you focused and content with your journey.
1. Generously compliment others.
Pride is a real thing and getting caught in comparison means that you suddenly become very sensitive about what YOU have and what YOU do. We suddenly find the need to prove ourselves and what we're capable of doing because we feel threatened by how someone else's life looks. So this is probably the best advice I can give you. Don't shy away from giving someone a compliment. Be okay with giving someone praise for something they did well. When you're mind is busy being happy FOR that person's accomplishment, you don't have room for pride or jealousy.
2. You do you.
As cliche as this sounds, life is too short to live by other people's standards. You could try your entire life to make people happy, but guess what, it's not worth it. This is your life. There is purpose and value in you. Pursue that instead of wasting time living up to their expectations. You will be the best version of yourself when you value the path you're own. Stride gracefully and with a heart to grow.
3. We're all walking at a different pace.
Referencing back to the quote at the beginning, remember that where you are on your journey may not be where you friend, or sibling, or co-worker is. Every success and opportunity is to each his own. Celebrate with them, but don't think that you're expected to walk alongside them. You'll get there or you might have already been there. Realize, accept, encourage, and keep on walking.
You are so uniquely you. Don't ever let society's standards or the progress of people around you intimidate you. Don't belittle the strides you make on your journey based off of an assumption about someone else's journey. Invest in your dreams and talents and never stop to look around. Just keep walking.