'Letterkenny' Is The Only Show That Makes Me Laugh Out Loud
Pitter patter let's get at 'er
We always seem to say LOL to each other in text messaging conversations and sometimes in real life conversations. But do we actually Laugh Out Loud? Generally not really.
It's actually been a while since a show can make me laugh until my sides hurt and Letterkenny as successfully done just that.
I actually found it out what it was when my friend introduced it to me at like 2 am in the morning which really made it ten times funnier. After watching the first episode with my friend I binged the first two seasons and fell in love.
Letterkenny is a Canadian tv series about a group of traditionally "redneck" friends/family interacting with each other in the small town of Letterkenny.
It is so cool and adds to the layers to hear this mix of a country and Canadian accent while also having their own little phrases that they say such as "Pitter patter let's get at 'er" and "figure it out".
I think what makes it so funny to me is the fast-paced timing and dialogue and extremely well-developed characters. Every character is kind of an extreme version of stereotypes of individuals in a town such as the emo/goth kids. In this show, we get to see the dark haired and dark-clothed individuals of the town and how they interact with the rednecks. We also have a pair of your typical jocks that are both dating our main character Wayne's little sister Katy. They both constantly show up at Wayne's house blasting music in their bright red Jeep Wrangler to pick up Katy and they both have their own way of talking to each other. They are almost like the same person because of how similar they really are.
In conclusion, Letterkenny is an excellent show for anyone to watch who needs a good laugh.