6 Things I Wish I Knew Going Into My Freshman Year of College
The transition from high school to college is one of the biggest one's you will face in your lifetime!
There are a great deal of things that I have learned during my freshman year that I wish I knew beforehand! It's such a major change in one's life, and one's schedule, so it takes a lot getting used to. Here are a few of the things I wished I learned!!
1. Finding lecture halls is WAY easier than you think!
In the days leading up to the first day of class, I was SO STRESSED about finding the rooms my classes were in! After the first two days, it was almost laughable at how easy it is to find things. Don't let the new locations scare you!
2. Be open to trying new things, especially food!
One of the hardest things for me was the availability and quality of food. I was almost afraid of trying new options for the first half of the year and ended up missing out on so many better food choices! Don't wait until its too late!
3. Get involved early.
It is so much easier to join a club and meet new people at the beginning of fall semester! I mistakenly waited until the beginning of spring semester to join many clubs, which had me feeling like an outsider and was harder to add it into my routine! Try as many clubs as you can first semester; you can always drop ones that end up not being for you!
4. Go to as many events as possible
Whether it be in your dorm, a sporting event, or for your major, a big mistake I made was missing out on so many fun (FREE) opportunities because I thought I was "too cool." They end up being some of the best times you will have and the easiest way to meet other people!
5. Learn from your mistakes as soon as they happen.
This is especially important in your classes, but also in the rest of your daily activities. If you make a mistake, like not studying enough for a test, try to learn from it and do something differently next time! College costs money... a lot of it! Take advantage of every class, the first time you take it, to get the most out of your college experience!
6. Studying past midnight most likely will hurt you more than help you.
If you were that person in high school that waited until the very last minute, your studying habits are going to have to change. College is very mentally demanding, and with that it requires a *as stable as possible* sleep schedule! Try to avoid leaving studying and homework for late at night. You won't retain the information and you will probably do worse than if you just didn't study at all!