5 Things To Do When Your Long-Distance Best Friend Is Getting Married
Being long-distance besties is hard, it's even harder when one of you is getting married.
All my life I have waited for one of my best friends to get married so that I could be a bridesmaid and assist with the wedding planning. Well now, my best friend is getting married and wedding planning is in full swing. The sad part, we don't live super close and that makes assisting with wedding planning a little hard.
But, here is what I have realized I can do to be the best long-distance bridesmaid I can be.
1. Get Excited And Tell Everyone!
This one comes naturally. I am so excited for her wedding and I literally tell everyone I can that she is getting married. I fit in something about her wedding in like every conversation. Seeing you happy for her will help her get excited and relax.
2. Accept Every Picture She Sends
As a long distance bridesmaid, you will get a butt-load of pictures. Whether its flowers, invitations, or dresses, you will get at least 5 different pictures of it. Accept these and analyze them and give your honest opinion. The bride-to-be will need help in making decisions.
3. Send Lots Of Ideas
More than likely, like me, you know the couple and the bride very well so you have a good understanding of what the wedding should be like. I can guarantee that the Bride will appreciate getting some ideas and pictures that you may have for her.
4. Help Whenever You Can
Whether you are researching something or putting together a decoration, never be afraid to help. Even if you only see her for two days, try to help with something wedding planning, that's what her life consists of right now. Another thing I can guarantee, she will never turn down an extra hand for all the DIY.
5. Remember That Its Her Wedding
Wedding planning is a lot of fun and easy to get wrapped up in, but it's so important to remember that it's your best friend's wedding and not yours. Yes, she will love to hear your ideas, but don't overpower hers. If you don't agree with something, make sure you think about if its something that you really think she needs to change or if its a personal preference. Remember, you are her support, you are not the focus.