An Open Letter To The Undecided
You don't need to have your whole life planned out.
When it comes to choosing what to have for breakfast or what book to read next, I know. I have my preferences and understand exactly what makes me happy. Oatmeal with almond milk and psychological thrillers are my go-to. Reading a psychological thriller while eating oatmeal with almond milk? Even better.
However, there are other aspects of my life that I haven't figured out. I don't know exactly where I want my career to go and I have not yet mastered time management. Whether it's deciding how politics and the communications field go hand-in-hand or how to prioritize one thing over another, I know there is much to learn.
But that's okay.
When you are undecided about parts of your life, it may feel chaotic. Sometimes, I feel like I should know what I want to do professionally; other times, I remind myself that I am only 20 years old and have a whole, exciting life ahead of me.
Figuring out what you like and don't like (the whole idea of self-discovery) is a lifelong process that does not demand an answer. You may wake up one day and realize that you no longer like certain things, or on the flip side, pick up a new hobby and realize you love it. That is self-discovery and it is powerful.
Reflecting on what you love will help you find your passion and possible career path. For me, I understand my love for politics and creating positive change. I am also well aware of my passions in the communications field, whether that be writing blog posts or creating effective social media campaigns to persuade change.
Don't feel discouraged from being undecided. Use your strengths and your passions, your motivation, and skillset, to determine where you want to go. Everything will fall into place, and change is always possible. I have found time and again that the only constant in this world is change.
My advice to you: keep searching for what you love. Don't put limits on yourself and avoid trying something new for someone else's sake. The only person who can truly know what you love is yourself. Now go out there and find what really sets your soul on fire.