Sam Svoboda on OdysseySam Svoboda
Sam Svoboda

Sam Svoboda

Username: samanthasvoboda

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    I have always been able to express myself to the best of my ability through writing. When I am at a loss for words, writing has always been a way for me to communicate clearly. Therefore, if given the opportunity, the Odyssey will allow me to share my perspectives and opinions on specific topics with my peers that I may not be able to communicate as clearly through the spoken word. My writing will challenge my peers to think in an entirely different way than they otherwise would have, and they will then have the opportunity to either agree or challenge my ideas. My hope is that, for those who agree, I will be able to acknowledge what they have been thinking as well, but did not find the words to say themselves. My experience on yearbook staff at my high school my senior year gave me the chance to publish my writing, and I hope that my peers will be able to read what I have written once again, now that I am in college.

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