McKayla Couite on Odyssey McKayla Couite
McKayla Couite

McKayla Couite

Username: mckaylacouite

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    I want to work with the Odyssey because I want to write something people will read. I feel as though my experiences are not only interesting, but also helpful for others to hear who are in a similar situation. I love to write, and I think that this would be a cool way to reach out to people who are going through similar changes in life, or those who just want something entertaining to read. I could relate to almost anything, I've been through it all: a crazy roommate, stressful classes, adjusting to college, a parent diagnosed with cancer (even being away from one while you're in college), learning how to be out on your own, and trying to find yourself in a world that wants you to be like everyone else.

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