Hannah Wise on Odyssey Hannah Wise
Hannah Wise

Hannah Wise

Username: hannahwise

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Hi, I'm Hannah, be my friend!

    I'm that girl that talks a little too loud with her friends, gets a little too excited about almost everything, and is always singing. Always. I'm currently working towards the dream of having a classroom full of children who I get to share the joy of music with. I cannot think of a better reality than that. I'm also heavily involved in three choirs and theatre at school, and am hoping to march my first season of drum corps this summer. My friends and I have a tendency to get into some crazy shenanigans, and I'm really looking forward to sharing my random life experiences with the World Wide Web.

    So, dear reader, I hope you enjoy what I write as much as I enjoy writing it!

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