Emily Jane Traub on Odyssey Emily Jane Traub
Emily Jane Traub

Emily Jane Traub

Username: emilytraub

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Ever since I was little, I've loved to write. I also have a passion for learning about people and their lives and where they come from in an attempt to understand them, because I think that often times people make judgments about others without taking the time to inform themselves beforehand. These passions have led me to my two majors, Creative Writing and Religious Studies. My main goal in life is to write, so I am also minoring in Journalism, in the hopes of having a career in that field when I graduate college. I want to write in a way that will draw attention to social issues and bring awareness in a way that will promote change. How can something ever get better if no one knows about it? I was inspired to do this growing up by observing various familial and social situations people have gone through that have flown under the radar at times when they should have been the focus of change. Through writing, I believe I can help inspire and promote this change. This being said, I feel like The Odyssey is an excellent platform to begin this work. It is a way for me to get my ideas out into the world and help others to do the same, building a network of inspiration, hope, and change.

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