Drake Bolland on Odyssey Drake Bolland
Drake Bolland

Drake Bolland

Username: drizzybolland

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Mississippi State University (hopefully) Class of 2019. I'm majoring in Electrical Engineering, and working at Steel Dynamics to obtain first hand experience in the real-world industrial applications of EE. I've lived in Mississippi my entire life, and have bled maroon and white for almost as long. I'm and avid weightlifting enthusiast, and have been lifting weights since my dad taught me how to after my 13th birthday. My hobbies include, but are not limited to, re-watching How I Met Your Mother and Parks and Rec. on Netflix, picking up heavy objects and putting them back down, providing on-call tech support to my technologically challenged friends and family, and designing my own clothing line.

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