10 Happy Facts That Will Light Up Your Life
There's nothing better than fun facts that make you smile! If you are having a bad day or are just looking for a reason to smile here are 10 facts you never knew you needed until now.
Happy facts are the best kinds of facts and here are 10 that will definitely make your day. Keep reading for your daily dosage of smiles!
1. A Group Of Porcupines Is Called A Prickle
A congregation of these spiky critters is called a prickle, and if that is not one of the most adorable things ever I don't know what is. Beware of the prickle, they might be potentially dangerous but who cares when they're this cute!
2. It Takes Seventeen Muscles To Smile And Forty-Three To Frown
Give yourself a break and smile today! It's contagious you know!
3. In A Fight Male Puppies Will Intentionally Let Female Puppies Win
A new study has found that young male dogs playing with female pups will often let the females win, even if the males have a physical advantage. Puppy love is adorable!
4. Goats Have Accents Like People
You will never watch a screaming goat video the same way again. A British study found that goats can develop their own unique accent from their surroundings
5. Laughter Is A Universal Language
Even though we may not all speak the same language, humans laugh before they even know how to speak. Our sense of humor is one of the first things we communicate to the world.
6. When Dogs See Their Owner They Secrete The Same Substance Humans Do When They Are In Love
We don't deserve the blessing that is dogs. Dogs secrete oxytocin hormone when they see their owners, the same substance that we secrete when we are in love!
7. No Two Dog's Nose Prints Are The Same, Just Like Human Fingerprints
Just as humans can be identified by their fingerprints, dogs can be identified by their nose prints.
8. You Just Happen To Exist The Same Time As "The Office"
This show is truly a phenomenal TV series that just so happens to exist at the same time as you. The Office always has your back for a good laugh!
9. As We Get Older We Become Happier
If you're feeling down in the dumps now, know it does get better! As you age you will gain what you wish to pursue, which is why older people are generally happier!
10. The Odds For You To Be Alive Right Now Are Astronomically Small, Yet Here You Are
Your ancestors survived thousands of years of random events for you to turn out the way you are today. The probability of you existing at all comes out to 1 in 10 2,685,000. You're basically a walking miracle!