Being Offensive Is Not A Personality, Just So You Know
Offending people is all you have to offer? Really?
We all know a handful of people that enjoy being really offensive. They'll go out of their way to let you know that they're known for offending people and that they don't care if they offend you. You know the kind of person I'm talking about?
The most popular example of this special kind of person I can think of is Kaitlin Bennett, the girl who gained fame after posting a photo of herself at graduation with an assault rifle on her back. Some of you may have no idea who I'm talking about, and for that, I'm extremely envious. Since her photo went viral, she's been all over social media doing her best to offend every leftist she can. Why? For absolutely no reason.
There are people just like her all over. They attempt to build a personality off of offending people and thrive off the hatred they receive. The problem with this is that being offensive is not a personality. It's not cool, it's not desirable, and it definitely doesn't make you look good. But that's the annoying thing about these people; they don't care about looking good.
The biggest defense for these people I've heard is that perhaps they've had to build up this wall due to adverse experiences in the past. And, sure, that could totally be a reason for it, but anyone I've personally met who acts like this has always come from well-to-do families and Kaitlin Bennett sure hasn't struggled in life. So basically, these people have no justifiable reason for being offensive, they just like doing it to get a rise out of others.
I personally don't see the appeal of being an asshole to everyone. I feel like being offensive constantly would take so much effort. It's much easier just to be kind to people.
If you happen to encounter someone who's entire personality is based on offending everyone and everything, don't engage. Let them run their mouths and preach their insanity. They can't build an identity around being offensive if you don't get offended.