Stephanie Thompson on Odyssey Stephanie Thompson
Stephanie Thompson

Stephanie Thompson

Username: stephaniesattic

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Stephanie Thompson is a twenty-two student by day and journalist by night.

    As an aspiring journalist she’s working towards her BA in journalism from Eastern Michigan University and looking to graduate April 2017. She writes for the Arts & Entertainment section at The Eastern Echo. The curious little bee never sleeps. With a fire desire to tackle more she writes about fashion, art, and more. There’s something missing though, her passion is feature writing.

    While she’s addicted to mocha frappes at Starbucks, she enjoys watching daily talk shows on television. She’s living inside her own mind waiting to share it with the world.

    Why journalism?

    Becoming a successful journalist is my primary goal. I’m working hard at every single moment of everyday; this is my calling. As a journalists I’m writing , to find my strength in this world. As a wise person once told me, “There is power in a pen and a pad.”

    My first plan in life was to become an artist, but that didn’t pan out. It was only one job for an artist—and that was to become an artist. Well, I failed.

    Failure isn’t always a bad thing, sometimes one door closes so another can open. I get bored very easily, so I decided to give writing a chance. Writing gave me freedom, it gave m power, it gave me a voice. Most people would say that’s cliché, but you know what? I can be as cliché as I want because I’m a journalist.

    Being a journalist is what burns a fire in my chest at night as I lay dreaming, waking up in the middle of the night and reach over to grab my phone to jot down an idea before I forget it. I was never the smartest person in the room, but I always had an opinion. That’s the best part of this career. I don’t have to be the smartest person, I just need to back it up. There are times where I am wrong. There are times where I am right. The point is I’m failing to succeed.

    I’m still learning. I’m still growing. I’m still me at the end of the day. So, there it is–my cards are on the table.

    Here I hope you get to know me as a writer, a friend, and a warrior.

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