Spencer Kent Hodges on Odyssey Spencer Kent Hodges
Spencer Kent Hodges

Spencer Kent Hodges

Username: spencerhodges

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    I will utilize the Odyssey's platform as an outlet to help others in many ways. I look to provide a variety in the content I submit. This will be from providing my ideas of coming from a single parent household has affected me. I know I am not the only one. So, it would obviously make an easy connection. I would also love to use the Odyssey as a unbiased political outlet. I believe that my generation is too locked into media that is both misleading and confusing. I believe that if they hear it from a student that finds the absolute truth in things it will help us. I am also wanting to use the Odyssey as a sports media outlet. This can be seen as cliché, but I find it to be something I am very much invested in. I am also a firm believer in that even if only one person finds my content touching or amazing that is enough. Even is not a single person does I believe that all criticism is constructive and that I can build upon it to better myself while also providing something great to read.

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