Sierra Swigert on Odyssey Sierra Swigert
Sierra Swigert

Sierra Swigert

Username: sierraswigert2

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    when i first made my blog back in july 15' my "about" section was filled with me talking about how much of a writer I wasn't. It's pretty ironic considering only a few short months later this non-writer, that I believed myself to be, would become a journalism major. So I guess I should take some time to reintroduce myself...

    Hi, I'm Sierra and as much as I would like to tell you that I know everything about myself - I don't. Honestly I didn't know I liked writing until about a year ago. This self revelation literally changed my graduation path. It's so crazy how life works. So I won't tell you that I have my head on my shoulders or that I know exactly what I'm doing because life, man what a thing, it can change in an instance. One day you're studying business with a clear profession in mind and the next you're crying in your advisor's office because you hate the coursework that accompanies it. Will I become an author? Probably not. A blogger? Possibly. But for now, I'm just Sierra - average college student who enjoys reading, laughing, and talking too much.

    If you choose to follow my writings, bless your soul.

    If you choose to follow me on social network, I'm going to apologize now about the inappropriate things I may retweet - because let's face it: they're hilarious.

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