Maggie Cretens on Odyssey Maggie Cretens
Maggie Cretens

Maggie Cretens

Username: magdelinecretens

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Hey there my name is Maggie and I'm a sophomore pursuing a degree in elementary education with early childhood and special education minors. I aspire to get a masters in special education and/or in educational administration someday. My dream is to run my own school, and/or special education department.

    When I was nine my mom passed away from colon cancer and as a result I've come to realize how precious of a gift life really is. I try to look at the positives about life instead of the negatives. Focusing on the negatives is going to get you no where.

    One thing being an education major has taught me along with working part time is life moves quickly. I feel like life is a roller coaster trying to balance school, work, friendships, and sleep. But what I've found is it's a fun ride if you make it that. I believe that your attitude effects your life. If you have a positive attitude you will have a positive life. I hope you chose to have a positive life!

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