Kathryn Joann Severance on Odyssey Kathryn Joann Severance
Kathryn Joann Severance

Kathryn Joann Severance

Username: kathrynseverance

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I first realized that my life dream was to be a writer in the sixth grade after I wrote a story for class and found myself passionate about the world of writing. Today, I'm twenty years old and a full-time undergraduate student majoring in English: writing and mass communications, minoring in history at Assumption College in Worcester, Massachusetts. I’d definitely call myself a small town girl who now lives in the city. Attending Assumption was a dream from the time that I was in middle school, touring schools with my older brother Ryan (who went on to graduate from the College of the Holy Cross). As a student at Assumption, I have become very involved on campus.

    Writing and editing is not only something that I am passionate about, but it is something that I have sincerely dedicated my life to. I hope to gain more and more experiences as both a writer and an editor as I grow older, for the rest of my life. I'm thrilled with the opportunity to write for The Odyssey and I was excited to hear from Ms. Lauren Peacock about joining the up-and-coming Assumption College chapter of the publication. I’m honored to have been chosen to write and work for The Odyssey. For further information about the Assumption College chapter of the Odyssey, please check out the profile of my editor-in-chief, Kathleen Hurley.

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