Harry Lemont on Odyssey Harry Lemont
Harry Lemont

Harry Lemont

Username: harrylemont

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I started as a singer. Came to Nashville to be one of those country music stars. Well, long story short, I have found that I just love entertainment! I am entertainment crazy. The idea that we can influence so many people in one setting is incredible. Perishable experience is truly what entertainment is. My dream is to create experiences by having a hand in and owning the dirt under the venues, hotels, apartments, and resorts that give our cities, suburbs, and towns there vibe.

    Not only do I love entertainment but I have a redneck obsession with land. Land is the only investment that truly makes sense to me. We can hold it, we can improve it, we can even grow on it. I believe every person young or old needs to know the opportunity that can be found in real estate investing. My main goal as an odyssey writer is to use my professional knowledge, failures, and achievements to share with the real estate with my fellow younger generation. Just because your Grandpa owns real estate, doesn't mean you can't too.

    Other interests for those who may care: Fly Fishing, Crossfit, Health, Non-Fiction books, Nicholas Spark's Books, Writing and Food!

    - Harry Lemont

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