Gabrielle Blakeway on Odyssey Gabrielle Blakeway
Gabrielle Blakeway

Gabrielle Blakeway

Username: gabrielleblakeway

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I want to create content that will inspire people to have a deeper love for reading and writing. I want people to appreciate the written word for the art it is. I am a soft spoken person, and feel that writing is the place where my voice can really be heard at its strongest. I grew up loving to read, and by the eighth grade I realized writing was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. It's what makes me the happiest. It's a great feeling to write something, leave it, and come back later to discover what you've written can still make you smile, or amaze you. The same feeling comes with getting a great idea for a story, character, or plot development. I want to make this feeling my career and share the joy of it with the world.

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