Brianna Lewis on Odyssey Brianna Lewis
Brianna Lewis

Brianna Lewis

Username: briannalewis

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I'm currently a student at Baldwin Wallace University, studying both Psychology and Neuroscience. When I am not in class, I enjoy yoga, playing ukulele or guitar, reading too many books at once, drinking fruit smoothies, and driving with my windows down regardless of the weather. I'm obsessed with music of all kinds, and take part in my university's (and, back in the day, my high school's) marching band. I normally don't like playing video games, because I get upset when I don't win, which is a flaw that I'm trying to work on. I frequent the pet shelter and the book store, both make me equally happy. I feel like I never sleep and eat too many sweets, but I'm normally at the salad bar and am known for going to bed at either 10 or 4, no in-between. I'm a long-committed vegetarian, converted Buddhist, lover of all things feminine and intellectual, and am pretty sure I was born with the soul of a grandma. I've come to accept the fact that I'm a blind optimist with a bleeding heart. I hope that you find my writings interesting, and have gotten to know at least a little about me.

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