Eddy Mahler on Odyssey Eddy Mahler
Eddy Mahler

Eddy Mahler

Username: thatelm

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    Born in 1996 I am barely considered a '90s baby. Growing up completely in a small town is definitely something I would not trade for anything. Making long stories short are as follows. I grew up in church, saved from a young age and currently am an Assembly of God denomination believer. In elementary school I was in a classroom of not even 20 students at it's largest for two grades, then I home schooled for a year before I hit public school. Public school was terrible and I hated it, I went into a culture shock because it was so different from everything I was used to. My second year in public school my parents divorced (no tears shed), I got sick and about nine months later was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and the a little bit after that I entered a mild depression. The summer after I graduated high school with a 3.9 weighted GPA and in the National Honors Society I broke out of my slump when I started working at a summer camp, best summer of my life. Two moths after that I started school at Grand Canyon University with the Bachelor of Worship Arts. I have a dog, Samuel who is now around six but still acts like a puppy.

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