Bre'e Felder on Odyssey Bre'e Felder
Bre'e Felder

Bre'e Felder

Username: reallyfe

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    My main focus is to bring forth a voice for both me and my generation. I want to use the Odyssey platform as a way to talk about the topics that many are either too fearful to speak on or just don't want to admit to. This is our time to talk about "us" and what "we" want out of this world. This is our chance to speak on the harsh realities that are our lives and not the fake, bittersweet fairytales we seem to be living. I want people of my generation to become more aware of what's going on instead of continuing to live in this world blind. I'm not saying that everyone will agree on my perspectives in our community, but that doesn't mean they can't see what I have to say about it.

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